Visualizza Versione Completa : [Guida ai Trofei] The Jackbox Party Pack 2

02/11/2018, 17:49


:info: Informazioni generali

Seguite il fenomeno dei giochi di società, The Jackbox Party Pack include cinque nuovi giochi per ridere a crepapelle tra cui Fibbage 2 (2-8 giocatori), Earwax (3-8 giocatori), Bidiots (3-6 giocatori), Quiplash XL (3-8 giocatori), Bomb Corp. (1-4 giocatori). I giocatori partecipano usando i loro telefoni, tablet o anche computer come controller per facilitare la partecipazione e dare il via alla festa. E gli spettatori possono anche partecipare e avere un effetto su alcuni giochi giocando come membri del pubblico! Tutti i giochi sono disponibili solo in lingua inglese.




:alert: Attenzione la seguente guida potrebbe contenere spoiler riguardanti la trama del gioco!

:guida: Guida ai trofei: The Jackbox Party Pack 2
:espansioni: Espansioni: nessuna

:psstore: Reperibilità: disponibile dal 21 ottobre 2015 a circa :prezzo: 20,99 e nella :psplus: Instant Game Collection di novembre 2018
:lingue: Lingue supportate: audio :ing: - testo :ing:

:psplus: PS Plus richiesto per giocare online: no
:multiplayer: Multiplayer: 2-8 giocatori

:generica: Difficoltà: :facile:
:vagiocata: La storia va giocata almeno: 1 volta
:tempo: Tempo necessario: 6/8 ore circa

:lista: Lista trofei: solo PS3
:trofei: Trofei totali: 20

:bronzo: Trofei bronzo: 20
:argento: Trofei argento: 0
:oro: Trofei oro: 0
:platino: Trofeo platino: no

:online: Trofei online: no

:nascosto: Trofei nascosti: 1

:bronzo: UFOB/GYN

:storia: Trofei legati alla storia: 3

:bronzo: Jewel of the File
:bronzo: Java Well Done
:bronzo: UFOB/GYN

:collezionabile: Trofei legati ai collezionabili: no
:bug: Trofei buggati: no
:miss: Trofei mancabili: no

:prefazione: Prefazione

The Jackbox Party Pack 2 può essere visto come una sorta di gioco del catalogo PlayLink ante litteram. Si tratta fondamentalmente di una collezione di giochi multigiocatore che però non prevedono un comparto multiplayer tradizionale, bensì richiedono che ognuno dei partecipanti possa vedere lo stesso schermo. Per fare questo le possibilità sono due: trovarsi con un gruppo di amici in una stanza (o ricreare virtualmente questa situazione sfruttando uno streaming live con YouTube o Twitch), oppure approfittare di account multipli sul sito Jackbox per giocare da soli simulando altri concorrenti. Per il trofeo più esigente ne serviranno almeno otto. Per tutti gli altri non c'è davvero niente di complicato, e ci si limita infatti a una collezione di venti coppe di bronzo, e il tutto rischia di risultare molto meccanico e freddo se l'unico scopo è conquistare trofei e non divertirsi con gli amici.

:step: Passi consigliati

NB: i trofei sono ottenibili anche in modo lecito, ma i passi a seguire e la guida trofei si riferiscono al caso in cui cerchiate di sbloccarli da soli sfruttando account multipli.

Passo 1 - Giocate a Fibbage 2

Per prima cosa, fate in modo di avere 9 giocatori nella sala d'attesa, in modo che 8 si preparino al gioco e che l'ultimo passi nel pubblico, per sbloccare :bronzo: Eight is Enough. In almeno un round, scegliete la verità quando il gioco vi chiede di inserire una bugia per ottenere anche :bronzo: True Lies. Nello stessa domanda scegliete poi una bugia e fate in modo che tutti gli altri giocatori scelgano la stessa bugia per :bronzo: Lord of the Lies. Infine assicuratevi che in un round tutti i giocatori scelgano la verità per :bronzo: Fire the Writers

Passo 2 - Giocate a Quiplash XL

Iniziate una partita con 5 giocatori. Nel primo round assicuratevi che un giocatore risponda "Pork Pants" e che un secondo giocatore risponda la stessa cosa alla stessa domanda. Nella fase di votazione, scegliete "Pork Pants" come risposta vincente e assegnatele un like per ottenere :bronzo: Jinx Jinx, :bronzo: Pork Pants e :bronzo: Quip Tease (quest'ultimo alla fine della partita). Nel secondo round inserite una risposta che susciti un commento da parte del presentatore Schmitty per :bronzo: Back Talk (trovate un elenco di risposte nel relativo trofeo).

Passo 3 - Giocate a Bidiots

Iniziate una partita con 6 giocatori per :bronzo: Six For the Money . Passate poi per comodità a tre giocatori e fate in modo che il primo chieda tre prestiti e che offra sempre il minimo possibile, per sbloccare, alla fine della partita, :bronzo: Shark Bait. Per quanto riguarda il secondo e il terzo, fate in modo che scendano sotto ai 1.000 dollari e chiedete tre prestiti per ciascuno, per riportarli sui 4.000 dollari. A questo punto iniziate una gara al rialzo tra i due: quando uno raggiungerà i 4.000 dollari di offerta, usate l’abilità “screw” con l’altro per costringerlo a offrire di più e chiudete così l’asta per sbloccare :bronzo: Art of the Screw e :bronzo: Bid Business.

Passo 4 - Giocate a Earwax

Iniziate una partita con 3 giocatori e fate in modo che il primo non scelga mai suoni legati a funzioni corporee, che vinca tutti i round tranne i due riservati al secondo giocatore (vedere più avanti) e che riceva almeno un like: alla fine della partita otterrete :bronzo: Aural Surgeon e :bronzo: Bodily Malfunction. Con il secondo giocatore dovete vincere un round usando due funzioni corporee e uno usando due voci per :bronzo: Sound Body e :bronzo: Yada Yada.

Passo 5 - Giocate a Bomb Corp

Giocate fino al livello 15 compreso per :bronzo: Jewel of the File, :bronzo: Java Well Done e :bronzo: UFOB/GYN. Disinnescate 10 bombe in The Grind per :bronzo: Grinders Keepers.

:autore: Autore guida: beachild
:grafica: Autore grafica: ??
:video: Autore video: ??
:revisione: Autore revisione: ??



https://i.imgur.com/OYmuAcN.png Fibbage 2: True Lies [:bronzo: :facile:]
Write a Lie that's actually the Truth

Quando dovrete inserire una bugia in una frase, inserite la verità. Riceverete una segnalazione e un invito a ritentare, ma anche il trofeo.

https://i.imgur.com/OYmuAcN.png Fibbage 2: Eight Isn't Enough [:bronzo: :facile:]
Play a game with 8 players plus an Audience

Radunate 9 partecipanti (o 9 account diversi) e avrete 8 giocatori e uno spettatore. Non è necessario iniziare la partita.

https://i.imgur.com/OYmuAcN.png Fibbage 2: Lord of the Lies [:bronzo: :facile:]
Fool every other player with a Lie in a 3+ player game

Dovrete imbrogliare tutti i giocatori presenti oltre a voi dicendo una bugia, quindi il trofeo è più semplice giocando in tre, o ancor meglio giocando da soli con account multipli.

https://i.imgur.com/OYmuAcN.png Fibbage 2: Fire the Writers [:bronzo: :facile:]
All players find the truth on a question

Tutti i giocatori, voi compresi, dovranno trovare la verità a una delle domande. Il trofeo è più semplice giocando in tre, o ancor meglio giocando da soli con account multipli.

https://i.imgur.com/INX7YxI.png Quiplash XL: Quip Tease [:bronzo: :facile:]
Get a Quiplash (sweep votes in a 5+-player game)

Giocando in almeno cinque giocatori, è sufficiente che almeno uno riceva un like per la propria risposta. Trofeo quasi automatico giocando onestamente e facilmente forzabile giocando con account multipli.

https://i.imgur.com/INX7YxI.png Quiplash XL: Jinx Jinx [:bronzo: :facile:]
Enter the same thing as an opponent

Trofeo autoesplicativo, semplice giocando da soli con account multipli e più complesso cercandolo onestamente. La risposta inserita da due giocatori deve essere esattamente la stessa.

https://i.imgur.com/INX7YxI.png Quiplash XL: Back Talk [:bronzo: :facile:]
Write a quip that Schmitty actually responds to

Alcune risposte particolari possono suscitare una reazione da parte del presentatore Schmitty. Trovate una lista sotto spoiler (attenzione, è molto lunga): scegliete una risposta qualunque e sbloccherete il trofeo.

A bad campaign slogan for a congressman.
- Done vote for me
A bad first line for your presidential inauguration speech.
- Hail Satan
A bad occupation for a robot to have.
- Proctologist
A bad place for your rocket ship to crash would be The Planet of the “BLANK”.
- Apes
A bad place to skinny-dip.
- A Volcano
A bad reason to call 911.
- You're out of tacos
A bad substitute for a toothbrush.
- A Tampon
A bad thing to say to a cop as he writes you a speeding ticket.
- Oink
A bad thing to yell during church.
- That’s what she said
A better name for dandruff.
- Scalp frosting
A better name for testicles.
- Man Orbs
A better name for the game Duck Duck Goose.
- Punch punch cry
A better name for the Washington Monument.
- The National Schlong
A birthday present you shouldn’t get for your Grandmother.
- A Coffin
A catchy name for a sperm bank.
- Spank of America
A college major you don’t see at many universities.
- Coloring
A completely wrong way to spell Jennifer Anison.
- Jennifer Aniston
A crazy thing to find during a colonoscopy.
- A carrot
A dangerous thing to do while driving.
- Load a Gun
A faster way to get home from the Land of Oz is to click your heels three times and say “BLANK”.
- I like big butts
A fun thing to do with a bowl of pudding.
- Put it in your pants
A fun thing to yell as a baby is being born.
- There she blows
A fun thing you think about during mediocre sex.
- Game of Thrones
A fun trick to play on the Pope.
- Steal the Pope Mobile
A fun trick to play on your doctor.
- Replace stethoscope with a snake
A good name for a dog country singer.
- Collie Parton
A good name for a restaurant that serves animals with the faces still on them.
- Face Your Food
A good place to hide boogers.
- In your butt
A good use for toenail clippings.
- A salad topping
A great name for a nude beach in Alaska.
- Blue Ball Beach
A great new invention that starts with Automatic.
- Automatic Buttscratcher
A great nickname for your armpit hair.
- Black Beauty
A great opening line to start a conversation with a stranger at a party.
- I see dead people
A great pet name for a parasitic worm that lives in your ear.
- Wiggly
A great way to kill time at work.
- Work
A gift nobody would want: The “BLANK” of the Month Club.
- Stomach punch
A good catchphrase to yell every time you finish pooping.
- Operation Dumbo Drop
A good fake name to use when checking into a hotel.
- Jack Torrance
A good improvement to make to Mt. Rushmore.
- Give them boobs
A good name for a sex robot?
- Mother
A good name for an elderly nudist colony.
- Hanging Gardens
A good name for an erotic bakery.
- Do it in the bundt
A good sign that your house is haunted.
- Bleeding walls
A good stage name for a Chimpanzee stripper.
- APEril
A good way to get fired.
- Go to work naked
A great name to have on a fake ID.
- Cookie Masterson
A great thing to yell before jumping out of an airplane.
- Cannonball
A just-so-crazy-it’s-brilliant business idea to pitch on “Shark Tank”.
- Bacon Pants
A kinky weird thing that does NOT happen in 50 Shades of Grey (as far as you know).
- Man Diaper
A lawn decoration sure to make the neighbours mad.
- Flamingos with boobs
A lesser-known ingredient in most microwave pizza pockets.
- Salmonella
A little-known fact about the Jolly Green Giant.
- He has three nipples
A little-known nickname for New Orleans.
- Boob Town
A little-known way to get gum out of your hair.
- Jizz
A magazine that should never have a nude centerfold.
- Forbes
A name for a really bad Broadway musical.
- Lindsay Lohan The Musical
A name for a really cheap hotel.
- No Roof Inn
A name for a brand of designer adult diapers?
- Abercrombie and Shits
A new ice cream flavor that no one would ever order.
- Kale
A new name for Kumquats.
- Jizzquats
A not-very-scary name for a pirate.
- Johnny Depp
A prank the Supreme Court Justices probably play on each other.
- Go commando
A rejected name for a ship in the US Naval Fleet: the USS “BLANK”.
- SS
A rejected phrase for one of those Valentine heart candies.
- We all die alone
A rejected shape for Marshmallow Peeps.
- Liam Neeson
[B]A rejected title for “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” was “The Good, The Bad and the “BLANK””
- Horny
A sequel to the painting Dogs Playing Poker.
- Dogs Playing Strip Poker
A short motto everyone should live by.
- Don’t eat yellow snow
A sign you probably shouldn’t put up in your yard.
- Rob me
A slogan to get everyone excited about corn.
- Shuck yourself
A Starbuck's coffee that should never exist.
- CaPOOchino
A strange thing to keep as a pet.
- A husband
A surprising job entry on Abraham Lincoln’s resume.
- A Mime
A terrible food truck would be one that goes around selling only "BLANK".
- Rocky Mountain oysters
A terrible name for a 1930s gangster.
- Girly
A terrible name for a clown.
- Suckles
A terrible name for a cruise ship
- The Animal Love Boat
A terrible talent to have for the Miss America Pageant.
- Cheese sculpting
A terrible theme for a high school prom
- 9/11
A terrifying fortune cookie fortune.
- I’m behind you
A theme for a desk calendar that wouldn’t sell very well.
- Dead puppies
A thought that keeps Santa Claus awake at night.
- Elf Revolution
A TMZ headline you really want to see.
- TMZ files for Bankruptcy
A tourist attraction in Hell.
- Hitler’s house
A trick you shouldn’t teach your dog.
- Drive a car
A Tweet from a caveman.
- Mammoth good
A unique way to escape from prison.
- A Jetpack
A vanity license plate a jerk in an expensive car would get.
A weird physical way to greet someone.
- Sniff their crotch
A weird thing to find in your grandparents’ bedside table.
- Condoms
A word that should be in the dictionary but isn’t.
- Dingleberry
A word that should never follow beef.
- Socks
Advice: Never stick your tongue into "BLANK".
- Your own butt
An alternate use for a banana.
- Back Scratcher
An angry internet comment on a pet store's website.
- Screw your hamsters
An angry review you'd give this game.
- Not as good as Word Spud
An animal Noah shouldn't have saved.
- Mosquitoes
An inappropriate thing to do at a cemetery.
- Live
An invention by Thomas Edison that never caught on.
- Backhair Straightener
An item NOT found in Taylor Swift's purse?
- A mirror
Another use for cooked Spaghetti.
- Baby Wigs
Another use for gravy.
- Moisturizer
Bad advice for new graduates.
- Go to grad school
Brand name of a bottled water sold in the land of Oz.
- Wicked Water
CBS should air a TV show about lawyers who are also “BLANK”.
- Dead
Come up with a catchier, more marketable name for the Bible.
- Fifty Shades of Pray
Come up with a great title for the next awkward teen sex movie.
- Boner Time
Come up with a name for a beer made especially for monkeys.
- High Life
Come up with a name for a new beer marketed towards babies.
- Milkwaukee's Breast
Come up with a name for a new TV show with the word Spanky in it.
- Better Call Spanky
Come up with a name for a new, very manly cocktail.
- Tequila Testes
Come up with a name for a rock band made up entirely of baby ducks.
- Waterfoul
Come up with a name for a salad dressing by Lindsay Lohan.
- Frenchy Friday
Come up with a name for the most difficult yoga pose.
- Downward hog
Come up with a really bad Football penalty that beings with Intentional.
- Intentional Sucking
Come up with a really bad TV show that starts with Baby.
- Baby Cop
Come up with a title for an adult version of any classic video game.
-The Legend of Zelda's Ass
Come up with the name of a book that would sell a million copies, immediately.
- The Big Book of Boobs
Come up with the name of a country that doesn’t exist
- Canada
Everyone knows that Monkey's hate "BLANK".
- Sarcasm
Finish this sentence: When I’m rich, my mansion will have a room called The "BLANK" room.
Fun thing to do if locked in the mall overnight.
- Pee in the fountain
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't spank you right now.
- I don't have a butt
Graffiti you might find in a Kindergarten.
- Naps suck
How far is too far?
- Utah
How Garfield the cartoon cat will eventually die.
- Cancer
How many monkeys is too many monkeys?
- 12
If a winning coach gets Gatorade dumped on his head, what should get dumped on the losing coach?
- Powerade
If animals took over, an exhibit you’d see at the human zoon.
- Hipsters
Of God has a sense of humor, he welcomes people to heaven by saying, “BLANK”.
- No Vacancy
If at first you don’t succeed…
- Get drunk
If you were allowed to name someone else's baby any weird thing you wanted, what would you name it?
- Cookie Masterson
If we can’t afford to bury or cremate you, what should we do with your body?
- Hide it
Invent a Christmas tradition sure to catch on.
- Naked Caroling
Invent a family-friendly replacement word that you could say instead of an actual curse word.
- Flufflepuff
Invent a holiday that you think everyone would enjoy.
- Spanksgiving
It never ends well when you mix “BLANK” and “BLANK”.
- Firearms, Monkeys
It would be scary to read on a food package, May contain trace elements of "BLANK".
- Deez nutz
It’s bad to be buried alive. It’s worse to be buried alive with “BLANK”.
- Pitbull
Jesus's REAL last words?
- Ouch
Life hack! Lower your heating bills by…
- Burning furniture
Life would be so much better if we all lived in "BLANK".
- A snow globe
Like chicken fingers or chicken poppers, a new appetizer name for your fun, theme restaurant: Chicken ___.
- Faces
Little-known fact: A secret area in the White House is the "BLANK" room.
- Mud wrestling
Little-known fact: Over the course of a lifetime, an average person accidentally eats ten "BLANK".
- People
Little-known fact: The fourth Wise Man gave baby Jesus the worst gift of all: "BLANK".
- A sham-wow
Little-known fact: The Government allows peanut butter to contain up to 10% "BLANK".
- Rat poop
Make up a name for a silent-film porno from the 1920s.
- The Jizz Singer
Make up a word for the water substances that come out of a ketchup bottle when you first squeeze it.
- PreKetchup
Make up a word that describes the sound of farting into a bowl of mac & cheese.
- Blart
Make up a word that means “to make up a word”.
- Dictomate
Make up the title of a movie that is based on the first time you had sex.
-The Neverending Story
Miley Cyrus' Wi-Fi password, possibly.
- teddybearhumper
Miller Lite beer would make a lot of money if they came up with a beer called Miller Lite ___.
- NOT!
Name a candle scent designed specifically for Kim Kardashian.
- Untalented
Name a children’s book by someone who hates children.
- You’re Not Special
Name a new movie starring a talking goat who is president of the United States.
Name a new reggae band made up entirely of chickens.
- UBeak40
Name a TV drama that's about a vampire doctor.
- Monster Mash
Name the eighth dwarf, who got cut at the last minute.
- Barfy
Name the next big sexually transmitted disease.
- Scrotum termites
Name the sequel to "Titanic" if there were one. "Titanic 2: "BLANK".
- Cruise Control
Name your new haircutting establishment.
- Scissor Me Timbers
No one would guess this is where the treasure is buried.
- Under the bank
Okay… fine! What do YOU want to talk about then?!
- Philosophy
On your wedding night, it would be horrible to find out that the person you married is "BLANK".
- A Vegetarian
One place a finger shouldn’t go.
- Peehole
One thing never to do on a first date.
- Die
Ozzy Osbourne's Twitter password, probably.
- batheads
Pants would be a whole lot better if they “BLANK”.
- Didn’t exist
People wouldn’t respect He-Man as much if, to gain his power, he held up his sword and shouted ____.
- I peed my pants
Pick any city name and make it sound dirty.
- BOOBapest
Rename Winnie-the-Pooh to something more appropriate/descriptive.
- Winnie-the-Pantless
[B]Scientists say erosion, but we all know the Grand Canyon was actually made by "BLANK".
- My Dick
Sleepwalking can be a problem but it’s not as bad as sleep “BLANK”.
- Moonwalking
Something a weatherman might yell if he completely snapped during the weather forecast.
- We're all going to die
Something Godzilla does when he’s drunk.
- calls Mothra
Something it’d be fun to throw off the Eiffel Tower.
- A Mime
Something overheard at the Last Supper.
- Whose got cash
Something Squirrels probably do when no one is looking.
- Masturbate
Something the Devil is afraid of.
- Public Speaking
Something that is currently legal that should be banned.
- Kale
Something that should never be homemade.
- Breast Implants
Something that would make an awful hat.
- A Salmon
Something that would not work as well as skis.
- Dead Bodies
Something that would not work well as a dip for tortilla chips.
- Other tortilla chips
Something that’s made worse by adding cheese.
- Being constipated
Something upsetting you could say to the cable guy as he installs your television service.
- You’re never leaving
Something you can only do in a Walmart if no one’s looking.
- Scooter races
Something you don’t want to find in your Christmas stocking.
- A human hand
Something you probably shouldn’t bring on a trip across the Sahara desert.
- Space Heater
Something you should never put on an open wound.
- Ketchup
Something you should never stick up your butt.
- A burrito
Something you should never use as a scarf.
- An Anaconda
Something you should never say to your Mother.
- You're a MILF
Something you should not whisper to your grandmother.
- Show me your boobs
Something you shouldn’t buy off of Craiglist.
- A Child
Something you shouldn’t get your significant other for Valentine's Day.
- A Scale
Something you shouldn’t stuff with cheese.
- Dead Grandparent
Something you shouldn’t wear to a job interview.
- A Wife Beater
Something you would like to fill a swimming pool with.
- Pudding
Something you’d be surprised to see a donkey dp.
- His taxes
Something you’d love to smash with a wrecking ball.
- Miley Cyrus
Something you’d probably find a lot of in God’s refrigerator.
- Miracle Whip
Something you’d tell to heckle the performing Dolphins at Sea World.
- Blow my hole
Sometimes, after a long day, you just need to "BLANK".
- Kick a Squirrel
Take any US President’s name and turn it into something inappropriate.
- William Shaft
Take any well-known restaurant and slightly change its name to something inappropriate.
- P.F. Wangs
The #1 reason Penguins can’t fly.
- They're lazy.
The beauty pageant no one wants to see: Miss "BLANK".
- Canker sore
The best name for an obese rapper.
- Fat Shady
The best news you could get today.
- It’s not contagious.
The best part about being Donald Trump.
- Immortal
The best pick-up line for an elderly singles mixer.
- I've fallen in love and I can’t get up
The best place to bury all those bodies.
- Your enemy's backyard
The best reason to go to Australia.
- Meet Crocodile Dundee
The best thing about being really dumb.
- Entertained by jangling keys
The best thing about going to prison
- Free Orange Jumpsuit
The best thing about living in an igloo.
- The beer is always cold
The best thing to use when you’re out of toilet paper.
- Sandpaper
The best title for a new National Anthem for the USA.
- Guns
The best way to defeat terrorism is…
- With a hug
The best way to keep warm on a cold winter night?
- An Orgy
The best way to start your day.
- Covered in Puppies
The best way to tell if someone is dead.
- Ask them
The biggest downside to living in Hell.
- No Wi-fi
The biggest secret the government keeps.
- Abraham Lincoln is alive
The crime you would commit if you could get away with it.
- Regicide
The difference between Grade A beef and Grade B beef.
- Fewer maggots
The first commandment in the new religion you started.
- Thou Shalt Not Wear Pants
The first names of each of your nipples.
- Nipsey and Russell.
The first sign that you’re old.
- Your pants are too high
The first thing a pig would say if it could talk.
- We taste really good
The first thing you would do after winning the lottery?
- Buy more lottery tickets
The grossest thing you could find at the bottom of a swimming pool.
- Bucket of diarrhoea
The grossest thing you’d put in your mouth for $18.
- My Own Penis
The hardest thing about being Batman.
- Cleaning the Cave
The Katy Perry Super Bowl half-time show would have been better with "BLANK".
- Sharks
The last person you’d consider inviting to your birthday.
- Jesus
The liquid that would make for the worst salad dressing.
- Motor Oil
The most awesome Guinness World Record to break.
- World’s Biggest Dick
The most bitching thing you can airbrush on your van.
- Lincoln on a phoenix
The most embarrassing name for a dog.
- No Balls
The most presidential name you can think of (that isn’t already the name of a president).
- Kevin
The name of a canine comedy club with puppy stand-up comedians.
- Laugha Apso
The name of a clothing store for overweight leprechauns.
- Fatty Patty’s
The name of a cocktail for hillbillies.
- Moonshine Manhattan
The name of a font nobody would ever use.
- Comic Sans
The name of Jesus’ 13th Apostle.
- Ringo
The name of a pizza place you should never order from.
- Pizza Butt
The name of a shampoo for hippies.
- The Grateful Head
The name of a species of Dinosaur you wouldn’t want to meet.
- Kardashiansaurus
The name of a toiler paper specifically designed for the Queen of England.
- Buckingham POOlace
The name of an all-male version of Hooters.
- Danglers
The name of the new perfume by Betty White.
- Golden Girl
The name of the Reindeer Santa didn’t pick to pull his sleigh.
- Crasher
The name of your new plumbing company.
- Super Mario Bros.
The name you would give to a really mopey pig.
- Mess Piggy
The next product for Matthew McConaughey to endorse.
- Depends
The password to the secret, high-society sex club down the street.
- password
The perfect meal would be a “BLANK” stuffed in a “BLANK” stuffed in a “BLANK”.
- Steak, Lobster, Pig
The perfect name for a second head that sprouts on your shoulder.
- Me 2
The perfect song to hum on the toilet.
- Push It
The real reason the Dinosaurs died.
- The Crossed Me
The real secret to living to age 100.
- Don’t die
The second thing said on the moon.
- Shut up Neil
The secret to a happy life.
- Playing Quiplash
The Skittles flavor that just missed the cut.
- Dirty Underwear
The sound a tree actually makes when it falls and no one is around to hear it.
- Fart
The terrible fate of the snowman Olaf in a director’s cut of the “Frozen”.
- He gets made into snowcones
The title of a new YouTube cat video that’s sure to go viral.
- 2 Cats 1 Cup
The three ingredients in the worst smoothie ever.
- Poop, barf and Greek yogurt
The title of the most boring porno ever.
- Girls of the IRS
The title you’d come up with if you were writing the Olympics theme song.
- I Torch Myself
The Tooth Fairy's other job.
- Fluffer
The world’s most boring video game.
- Quiplash
The worst advice a doctor could give.
- Keep picking at it
The worst car feature that ends with holder.
- Stew holder
The worst children’s board game would be "BLANK", "BLANK" Hippos.
- Horny horny
The worst family secret that could come out over Thanksgiving dinner.
- Everyone's adopted
The worst Halloween costume for a young child.
- Kim Jong-Un
The worst job title that start with Assistant.
- Assistant Proctologist
The worst material with which to make a snowman.
- Poop
The worst name for a big and tall store.
- Just Tarps
The worst name for a funeral home.
- Coffins R Us
The worst name for a mountain.
- Mount Me
The worst name for a summer camp.
- Camp Gonorrhoea
The worst name for a rap artist.
- Eminem
The worst name for a robot.
- Chappie
The worst name for a tanning salon.
- Mel and Noma's
The worst name for an SUV.
- The Guzzler
The worst person to narrate the audiobook of "Fifty Shades of Grey".
- Gilbert Gottfried
The worst person to receive a sponge bath from.
- Gary Busey
The worst pizza is "BLANK"-style pizza.
- New York
The worst shape for an animal cracker.
- Dead possum
The worst thing about Canada.
- Canadian bacon
The worst thing for an evil witch to turn you into?
- Tampon
The worst thing that could crawl out of your toilet.
- A snake
The worst thing that could jump out of a bachelor party cake.
- Betty White
The worst thing to find growing on your neck.
- A second head
The worst thing to overhear during your surgery.
- I'm drunk
The worst thing to say when trying to adopt a pet.
- What does cat taste like?
The worst thing to wear to your court trial.
- Blood-splattered clothes
The worst thing you could discover in your burrito.
- Ebola
The worst thing you could stuff a bed mattress with.
- Spiders
The worst way to be murdered.
- With a Spoon
The worst way to fly: "BLANK" Airlines
- Incontinental
The worst way to remove pubic hair.
- Duct tape
The worst way to spell Mississippi.
- Butthole
The worst word that can come before fart.
- Kardashian
The worst words to say for the opening of a eulogy at a funeral.
- He was an asshole
The unsexiest thought you can have.
- Nude Mom
There's Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Hufflepuff but what's the Hogwarts house few have ever heard of?
- Suckandpuff
There's only one time that murder is acceptable and that is when "BLANK".
- No one is around
Thing you'd be most surprised to have a dentist find in your mouth.
- His penis
This just in! A "BLANK" has won the election and will become the new governor of Texas.
- Chicken Fried Steak
Three things are certain in life: Death, Taxes and "BLANK".
- Boogers
Tip: Never eat at a place called Kentucky Fried "BLANK".
- Testicles
Today's music needs more "BLANK".
- Cowbell
Tomorrow's new headline: Scientists Are Shocked to Discover That "BLANK".
- Mars is made of meat
Trash talk you would hear at a chess meet.
- Suck my Rook
USA! USA! American is still number one in…
- Fat people
Using only two words, a new state motto for Texas.
- Bush Country
Usually, it’s bacon, lettuce and tomato but come up with a BLT you wouldn't want to eat.
- Boogers, Lint and Toenails
What a dog sext message might say.
- Wanna Bone
What deer would use for bait if they hunted hunters.
- Porn
What do Vegans taste like?
- Sadness
What dogs think when they see people naked.
- Only two nipples
What FDR meant to say was 'We have nothing to gear but "BLANK"'.
- Chupacabra
What happens to circumcision skin?
- Gets made into sweaters
What is a tree thinking all day?
- I've got wood
What John Goodman's belches smell like.
- Old Funyons
What kittens would say if they could talk.
- Murder
What really happened to Amelia Earhart?
- Abducted by aliens
What really happens if you tear off that mattress tag.
- Nothing
What robots dream of.
- Being Human
What the Statue of Liberty is hiding beneath that robe.
- A Shotgun
What they call pooping in the Land of Oz.
- Making munchkins
What time is it?
- Time to shut up
What to do when your parachute fails.
- Fall up
What to say to get out of Jury Duty.
- I'm Batman
What two words would passengers never want to hear a pilot say?
- I'm Drunk
What would make baseball more entertaining to watch?
- Make it Football
What would you do if you were left alone in the White House for an hour?
- Pass a Law
What you call a baby sasquatch?
- Sascute
What you hope the Mars Rover finds.
- Treasure
What you want your gravestone to read.
What you’d guess is an unadvertised ingredient in most hot dogs?
- Orphans
What your dog thinks when he sees you naked.
- I'd hit that
What's actually causing Global Warming?
- Nothing
What's black and white and red all over?
- Panda tampon
What's the first thing you would do if you could time travel?
- Eat a Dinosaur
What’s lurking under your bed when you sleep?
- Mormons
What's the Mona Lisa smiling about?
- She's not wearing pants
What's wrong with these kids today?
- Rock Music
We can all agree that "BLANK"
- Cats are evil
Where do babies comes from?
- Krypton
Where do you think the beef really is?
- Iraq
Where's the best place to hide from the shadow monsters?
- Their House
Who let the dogs out?
- Obama
Write a newspaper headline that will really catch people’s attention.
- Earth Explodes
Why does the Tower of Pisa lean?
- Gravity
Why so serious?
- Gas prices
You know you're in for a bad taxi ride when "BLANK".
- The driver dies
You know you're really drunk when…
- Dubstep sounds good
You should never "BLANK" and "BLANK" at the same time.
- Eat, Poop
You should never give alcohol to "BLANK".
- Mogwai
You would never go on a roller coaster called "BLANK".
- The Decapitator
Your personal catchphrase if you were on one of those "Real Housewives" shows.
- I'm crazy

https://i.imgur.com/INX7YxI.png Quiplash XL: Pork Pants
Write “pork pants” and win a battle with it

Scegliete “Pork Pants” come risposta e assicuratevi che risulti vincitrice. Potete sperare che ciò avvenga naturalmente o forzare il trofeo con il solito metodo degli account multipli.

https://i.imgur.com/Hq7F1jn.png Bidiots: Shark Bait [:bronzo: :facile:]
Take out three loans and still win the game.

Nel corso del gioco, assicuratevi di richiedere il massimo di tre prestiti consentiti, quindi cercate di ottenere il massimo profitto e di risultare vincitore. Il tutto è molto più semplice giocando da soli con account multipli, perché sarà sufficiente fare l’offerta minima su tutti i quadri con uno dei giocatori, come descritto nei Passi Consigliati.

https://i.imgur.com/Hq7F1jn.png Bidiots: Art of the Screw [:bronzo: :facile:]
Screw a player and have them actually end up buying that piece of art.

L’abilità “screw” si attiva dal quinto round e serve a forzare un altro giocatore a fare un’offerta superiore. Usatela e fate in modo che il giocatore vinca l’asta per sbloccare il trofeo. Potete abbinarlo a :bronzo: Bid Business.

https://i.imgur.com/Hq7F1jn.png Bidiots: Bid Business [:bronzo: :facile:]
Have an auction go above $4,000.

Trofeo autoesplicativo, possibile solo in seguito all’attivazione dei prestiti e per il quale è consigliato, se volete ottenerlo onestamente, puntare su quadri di alto valore (in modo da avere controfferte alte e raggiungere i 4.000 dollari). Lo sblocco avviene al termine dell’asta.

https://i.imgur.com/Hq7F1jn.png Bidiots: Six for Money [:bronzo: :facile:]
Play a 6-player game.

È sufficiente iniziare una partita con sei giocatori, senza necessariamente finirla.

https://i.imgur.com/YblVmL1.png Earwax: Aural Surgeon [:bronzo: :facile:]
Win the game and win the most likes

Per il trofeo, il giocatore che vince il gioco (quindi il maggior numero di round) deve avere anche il maggior numero di like per le proprie scelte. Potrebbe sbloccarsi naturalmente nel gioco onesto, oppure può essere facilmente forzato usando account multipli.

https://i.imgur.com/YblVmL1.png Earwax: Sound Body [:bronzo: :facile:]
Win a round using two bodily function Sound Effects

Un qualunque giocatore (tranne quello con cui volete sbloccare :bronzo: Bodily Malfunction deve vincere un round scegliendo due suoni legati a funzioni corporee. In alcuni round potrebbero non comparirne due tra le opzioni, ma prima o poi li troverete e sarà una passeggiata vincere sfruttando account multipli.

https://i.imgur.com/YblVmL1.png Earwax: Bodily Malfunction [:bronzo: :facile:]
Go an entire game without using any bodily function Sound Effects

Dovrete vincere una partita senza mai usare suoni legati a funzioni corporee. Trofeo meno scontato se giocate onestamente e come sempre immediato se sfruttate account multipli.

https://i.imgur.com/YblVmL1.png Earwax: Yada Yada [:bronzo: :facile:]
Win a round with two voice Sound Effects

Un qualunque deve vincere un round scegliendo due suoni legati alla voce. In alcuni round potrebbero non comparirne due tra le opzioni, ma prima o poi li troverete e sarà una passeggiata vincere sfruttando account multipli.

https://i.imgur.com/FabbLUk.png Bomb Corp.: Jewel of the File [:bronzo: :facile: :storia:]
Successfully file paperwork

Nel secondo giorno di lavoro dovrete riordinare alcune cartelle in ordine alfabetico, entro un certo tempo. Potete comunque mettere in pausa e organizzarvi con tutta calma per non sbagliare, perché in questo caso dovrete ricominciare la giornata dall’inizio.

https://i.imgur.com/FabbLUk.png Bomb Corp.: Java Well Done [:bronzo: :facile: :storia:]
Successfully make coffee

Nel settimo giorno di lavoro dovrete preparare del caffè, ma le istruzioni richiedono di risolvere alcuni enigmi logici. Potete mettere in pausa e organizzarvi con tutta calma per non sbagliare, perché in questo caso dovrete ricominciare la giornata dall’inizio.

https://i.imgur.com/FabbLUk.png Bomb Corp.: UFOB/GYN [:bronzo: :facile: :nascosto: :storia:]
Deliver an alien baby

Trofeo praticamente legato alla storia e al completamento del quindicesimo giorno. Affronterete alcuni enigmi/mini giochi, ma niente di complicato e sempre con la possibilità di mettere in pausa e riflettere.

https://i.imgur.com/FabbLUk.png Bomb Corp.: Grinders Keepers [:bronzo: :facile:]
Defuse 10 bombs in The Grind

Il gioco per disinnescare le bombe si attiva nel menù dopo il completamento del primo giorno di lavoro. Dovrete disinnescare 10 bombe in un’unica sessione e per farlo dovrete leggere bene gli indizi, eventualmente prendere nota per aiutare la memoria. Avrete sempre la possibilità di mettere in pausa e riflettere con calma.


10/12/2018, 21:47
Pe7eR; idem per la guida di yakuza :asd:

10/12/2018, 22:56
Ok penserò a entrambe io :asd: