Visualizza Versione Completa : [Elenco Trofei] Fantasy Strike

13/04/2022, 11:10

:platino5: 1 :oro5: 2 :argento5: 18 :bronzo5: 22

:amazon5: (https://amzn.to/3355Lqv)
:telegram5: (https://t.me/psbitcanaleufficiale)




:alert: Attenzione la seguente guida ai trofei potrebbe contenere spoiler riguardanti la trama del gioco!

:logobit5: Guida al Platino/100%: ??
:lingue5: Lingue supportate: audio :ita: :ing: :gia: - testo :ita: :ing: :gia:

:psplus: PS Plus richiesto per giocare online: sì/no
:multiplayer5: Multiplayer: no/?? giocatori

:difficolta5: Difficoltà: ??/10 :facile5: :media5: :difficile5:
:vagiocata: La storia va giocata almeno: ?? volte
:tempo: Tempo necessario: ?? ore circa
:console: Piattaforma: PS5/PS4

:online5: Trofei online: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)
:storia5: Trofei storia: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)

:bug5: Trofei buggati: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)
:miss5: Trofei mancabili: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)

:collezionabili5: Trofei collezionabili: sì/no (consultare la guida per i dettagli)
:nascosto5: Trofei nascosti: sì/no (consultare la guida per i dettagli)

:prefazione: Prefazione

Una breve descrizione su gioco e una panoramica generale sui trofei.

:step: Passi consigliati

E' forse la parte più importante di una guida, dove andremo a tracciare il percorso da seguire per ottenere il tutto nel più breve tempo possibile, senza tanti passaggi. Se alcuni trofei potranno esser presi durante la stessa run, magari giocando al livello di difficoltà più elevato, questo è il momento giusto per dirlo.

:autore: Autore guida: ??
:video: Autore video: ??
:logobit5: Autore revisione: ??


:platino5big: Fantasy Striker
Collect all trophies.

:bronzo5big: Learn By Doing
Complete the tutorial.

:bronzo5big: Crossed Swords
Challenge a Friend to a Friendly Match.

:bronzo5big: Poking the Eye
Watch a Friend battle in Spectator Mode.

:bronzo5big: Enter the Dojo
Spend 5 minutes in Practice Mode.

:bronzo5big: One Step at a Time
Activate the Frame Step feature in Practice mode.

:bronzo5big: Knowing the Opponent
Win a round with a successful Yomi Counter.

:argento5big: Saw That Coming
Win a game with a successful Yomi Counter.

:argento5big: Highlight Reel
Perform a 5+ damage combo in Practice mode.

:argento5big: The Taste of Victory
Win your first Ranked Match.

:argento5big: 24/7
Beat at least 7 opponents in Daily Challenge.

:argento5big: Becoming the Champion
Win 5 Ranked Matches.

:bronzo5big: Playing to Win
Play 10 Ranked Matches.

:bronzo5big: Fundamentals
Win a match against a CPU opponent.

:bronzo5big: Mastering the Basics
Win 5 matches against CPU opponents.

:bronzo5big: Survivor
Complete Survival: 20 Opponents.

:argento5big: Bold Survivor
Complete Survival: 35 Opponents.

:oro5big: Master Survivor
Complete Survival: 50 Opponents.

:oro5big: Cruel Survivor
Complete Survival: 10 Cruel Opponents.

:bronzo5big: One Story of Many
Complete Arcade mode with any character.

:argento5big: The Wind Warrior
Play as Grave 10 times in online modes.

:argento5big: The Phoenix Archer
Play as Jaina 10 times in online modes.

:argento5big: The Precise Watchmaker
Play as Geiger 10 times in online modes.

:argento5big: The Water Shaman
Play as Argagarg 10 times in online modes.

:argento5big: The Ninja Student
Play as Setsuki 10 times in online modes.

:argento5big: The Manic Painter
Play as Valerie 10 times in online modes.

:argento5big: The Stone Golem
Play as Rook 10 times in online modes.

:argento5big: The Mentor Dragon
Play as Midori 10 times in online modes.

:argento5big: The Gambling Panda
Play as Lum 10 times in online modes.

:argento5big: The Ghostly Diplomat
Play as DeGrey 10 times in online modes.

:bronzo5big: Climbing the Charts
Reach Silver League in Ranked Mode.

:bronzo5big: Just Like Old Times
Complete 10 matches in Local Play.

:argento5big: Three On Three
Complete 5 Team Battle matches in Local Play.

:argento5big: One On One
Complete 5 Standard matches in Local Play.

:bronzo5big: Master of Storms
Dominate your opponent's wimpy projectile with your powerful one as Grave.

:bronzo5big: Playing with Fire
Win a round with Dragonheart while at 1 health remaining as Jaina.

:bronzo5big: Speed of the Fox
Perform a 5 damage combo as Setsuki.

:bronzo5big: On the Rocks
Summon a Mini-Rook as Lum.

:bronzo5big: Permanent Dragon
Win two consecutive rounds while in Dragon Form the entire time as Midori.

:bronzo5big: Outta My Way
Destroy 5 projectiles with Thunderclap as Rook.

:bronzo5big: Truth and Justice
Counter-hit the opponent into a 4 damage combo with DeGrey.

:bronzo5big: Hex of Murkwood
Stack poison 3 times as Argagarg.

:bronzo5big: You Can't Escape?
Normal throw an opponent 3 times in one round without them Yomi Countering, for some reason.
