L’aggiornamento del PlayStation Store di questa settimana è piuttosto interessante, in particolar modo perché vede l’uscita del tanto atteso Nioh, sviluppato dai creatori di Ninja Gaiden, che però hanno virato verso la serie Dark Souls. Degna d’interesse anche la Beta di For Honor, oltre ad un paio di titoli che ampliano la line-up di PlayStation VR. Come al solito, alla pagina che segue trovate anche tutti i nuovi DLC. PlayStation 4 How to Survive 2 6th February For Honor Open Beta (9th to 12th February) 6th February Slide N’ Go 6th February 8Days 7th February I Expect You To Die (Only in Aus, Czech, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, NZ, Slovakia, UK) 7th February Kitty Powers’ Matchmaker 7th February Nioh 8th February Nioh Digital Deluxe Edition 8th February VR Ping Pong 8th February Uncanny Valley 8th February Hand of Fate Deluxe Edition 8th February So Many Me 9th February WinKings 10th February PlayStation Vita Uncanny Valley 8th February

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