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Discussione: Freakout: Calamity TV Show Trophy Guide and Roadmap

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    Bit Fanatic L'avatar di beachild
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    Platino Freakout: Calamity TV Show Trophy Guide and Roadmap

    General information

    Freakout: Calamity TV Show is a juicy Top-Down-Dual-Stick-Shooter inspired by old school arcade games and more recent Die & Retry shooters. In a disturbed dystopia filled with mutants and killing machines, you’re the star of a reality show which might get a bit too real. Fight your way through the deadly enemy waves, join the revolution, and try to take down the evil Fizzy Corp.

    Read the full review on PlayStationBit...

    Freakout: Calamity TV Show Review by autore

    Warning: the following guide may contain important spoilers about the game!

    Trophy guide: Freakout: Calamity TV Show
    DLC: no

    Availability: available since 17/04/2020 for about 10,99
    Language: text

    Is PS Plus needed to play online: no
    Multiplayer: 1-2 players

    Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
    Completion time: 6/8 hours

    Trophy list: PS4
    Total trophies (including the Platinum): 28

    Bronze trophies: 10
    Silver trophies: 11
    Gold trophies: 6
    Platinum trophy: yes

    Online trophies: no

    Hidden trophies: no

    Story-related trophies: 5
    • TV is over !
    • Streets cleaner !
    • Offices Lawmowner !
    • Labs breaker !
    • Stronger than luxury !
    Collectibles-related trophies: no

    Bugged trophies: no

    Missable trophies: no


    Freakout: Calamity TV Show's Platinum is very easy. You don't even need to complete the game at the highest difficulty level: just play to the end, then use chapter selection to farm the kills needed for some miscellanous trophies. An easy and quick Platinum to add to our PSN card!


    • Step 1 - The show must go on

    Complete the story at the difficulty you feel most familiar with. You will get some miscellanous trophies as well and you will start working on the 10,000 kills needed for WAR GOD.

    • Step 2 - How many?

    Use chapter selection to replay some levels and kill the class of enemy needed for the remaining trophies, then you will be ready to claim you new Platinum!

    Trophy guide by: beachild
    Graphics by: beachild

    Creeper Killer [ ]
    Kill 100 Creepers


    Creeeeepeeeeerrrs Killeeeer X10 [ ]
    Kill 1000 Creepers


    Big Daddys Killer [ ]
    Kill 20 Big Daddys

    See Big Daddys Killer X10.

    Chicken Killer [ ]
    Kill 20 Chickens

    See Chicken Killer X10.

    Hunter Killer [ ]
    Kill 20 Hunters

    See Hunter Killer X10.

    Bombman Killer [ ]
    Kill 20 Bombmen

    See Bombman Killer X10.

    Spartan Killer [ ]
    Kill 10 Spartans

    See Spartan Killer X10.

    Spidermine Killer [ ]
    Kill 10 Spidermine

    See Spidermine Killer X5.

    Ballder Killer [ ]
    Kill 10 Ballders

    See Ballder Killer X5.

    Turrets Destroyer [ ]
    Destroy 10 Turrets

    See Turrets Destroyer X5.

    I Love Buttons [ ]
    Push more than 10 times the buttons of the factory level

    In level 4-3 you will be able to interact with some buttons to change the direction of the conveyor belts. Press any button more than 10 times to unlock this simple trophy.

    Kill 5000 Creepers

    Self-explanatory trophy. Creepers are the most common class of enemies and you will kill plenty of them since the very first level, especially if you play at the highest difficulty. This trophy will come naturally.

    Big Daddys Killer X10 [ ]
    Kill 200 Big Daddys

    Big Daddys are fat mutants that you will meet soon after the Creepers. Kill them shooting from the distance and beware their bullets. If you haven't unlocked the trophy by the end of the game, select chapter 4-3 and you will find a lot of them. Let them kill you and restart from the checkpoint after killing some of them in order to farm the kills more quickly. Play at high difficulty levels if you want to have more enemies on screen.

    Chicken Killer X10 [ ]
    Kill 200 Chickens

    Chickens are antropomorphic chickens easy to kill but that change direction very often. If you haven't unlocked the trophy by the end of the game, select chapter 3-3 and you will find a lot of them. Let them kill you and restart from the checkpoint after killing some of them in order to farm the kills more quickly. Play at high difficulty levels if you want to have more enemies on screen.

    Hunter Killer X10 [ ]
    Kill 200 Hunters

    Hunters are mutants with a fish-face that shoot single bullets. If you haven't unlocked the trophy by the end of the game, select chapter 2-3 and you will find a lot of them. Let them kill you and restart from the checkpoint after killing some of them in order to farm the kills more quickly. Play at high difficulty levels if you want to have more enemies on screen.

    Bombman Killer X10 [ ]
    Kill 200 Bombmen

    Bombmen are explosive mutants that burst when you shoot them. Shoot from the distance if you don't want to be killed by them. If you haven't unlocked the trophy by the end of the game, select chapter 3-1 and you will find a lot of them. Let them kill you and restart from the checkpoint after killing some of them in order to farm the kills more quickly. Play at high difficulty levels if you want to have more enemies on screen.

    Spartan Killer X10 [ ]
    Kill 100 Spartans

    Spartans are spartans warriors with spear and shield. To kill them easily stand still and shoot towards their right side: when they uncover to hit you they will be hit instead. If you haven't unlocked the trophy by the end of the game, select chapter 4-3 and you will find a lot of them. Let them kill you and restart from the checkpoint after killing some of them in order to farm the kills more quickly. Play at high difficulty levels if you want to have more enemies on screen.

    Spidermine Killer X5 [ ]
    Kill 50 Spidermine

    Spidermine are spider-shaped enemies that put mines on the ground. If you haven't unlocked the trophy by the end of the game, select chapter 5-1 and you will find a lot of them. Let them kill you and restart from the checkpoint after killing some of them in order to farm the kills more quickly. Play at high difficulty levels if you want to have more enemies on screen.

    Ballder Killer X5 [ ]
    Kill 50 Ballders

    Ballders are living flipper balls that can be find only in chapter 5-3. Stay away when they roll, wait till they hit the walls and get confused, then shoot at them until they explode. If you haven't unlocked the trophy by the end of the game, select chapter 5-3 and you will find a lot of them. Let them kill you and restart from the checkpoint after killing some of them in order to farm the kills more quickly. Play at high difficulty levels if you want to have more enemies on screen.

    Turrets Destroyer X5 [ ]
    Destroy 50 Turrets

    Turrets can be found only in certain levels and can be destroyed just by shooting at them while running around to avoid their bullets. If you haven't unlocked the trophy by the end of the game, select chapter 3-3: there is a turret at the very beginning. Destroy it, let mutants kill you, rinse and repeat. You will get the trophy in 10 minutes.

    WAR GOD [ ]
    Kill 10.000 Enemies

    Self-explanatory trophy. If you haven't unlocked it by the end of the game select any chapter (we suggest 3-2) and replay it at the highest difficulty.

    The Untouchable [ ]
    Finish a level without dying

    This trophy is extremely easy if you'll go for it during the first level and at the lowest difficulty. Just stay away from the mutants, kill them and everything will be ok.

    TV is over ! [ ]
    Finish TV chapter, kill TV head

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed. Just kill the first boss.

    Streets cleaner ! [ ]
    Finish Streets chapter, destroy the war train

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed. Just kill the second boss.

    Offices Lawmowner ! [ ]
    Clean up the office chapter, destroy the war aircraft

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed. Just kill the third boss.

    Labs breaker ! [ ]
    Finish the labs chapter, get rid of the ghosts

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed. Just kill the fourth boss.

    Stronger than luxury ! [ ]
    Finish the mansion chapter

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed. Just kill the fifth (and last) boss.

    Freakout: Calamity TV Show [ ]
    Freakout: Calamity TV Show


    Ultima modifica di beachild; 21/07/2020 alle 09:07

    Un gioco brutto non è quello che non ci piace, ma quello che non mantiene le sue promesse.

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