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Discussione: We Were Here Trophy Guide and Roadmap

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    Platino We Were Here Trophy Guide and Roadmap

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    Welcome to the We Were Here Trophy Guide.
    We Were Here has an easy Platinum Trophy obtainable with a friend in a maximum of two hours.

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    Warning the following guide may contain important spoilers about the game!

    Trophy Guide: We Were Here
    Language: audio - text

    Is PS Plus needed to play online: yes
    Multiplayer: 2 players

    Minmum playthroughs: 2 and half times for the trophy Happy Ending for player two
    Completion time: about 2/3 hours

    Online Trophies: 26, all trophies (read the trophy guide for more details)
    Story-related trophies: 16 (read the trophy guide for more details)

    Bugged trophies: no
    Missable trophies: yes (read the trophy guide for more details)

    Collectibles-related trophies: no
    Hidden trophies: yes (read the trophy guide for more details)


    Step 1 - Escape from Castle Rock!

    Welcome in We Were Here, the coop puzzle game in which you have to communicate with your partner to solve puzzle and leave the rooms. If you want to get the Platinum in the fastest way possible, you have to read the solutions of the five puzzles at bottom of this trophy guide. In case you fail some puzzles don't worry, still do a second run to get the other half of the trophies. It is good for the explorer to pull the red lever ten times in the maze for the Happy Ending trophy, the only one "missable". In case you were to skip it, in fact, you will have to start the story from scratch. Also remember the Why me? and Worst Friend Forever for which you will have to unlock the two possible endings, namely the one in which you remain trapped, seeing your ally leave, and the one in which you save yourself, abandoning your partner.

    Step 2 - Hey, I have already been there...

    Go on with your second run to play the other team member and retrace the story. In this case, due to the experience of the first run, you should do much faster and in less than half an hour you should be able to get out of the castle. This is the time to commit and give your all to complete all the puzzles without errors, also thanks to our guide! Finally, start the third run to unlock the Happy Ending trophy also for the player who played the librarian in the first run.

    Trophy guide by: BadBoy, Gennarino
    Videos by: SalLimones

    The Curse of Castle Rock
    Obtained all We Were Here trophies


    The Answer Lies..
    Escape from the Storage Room


    See Eye See You

    ..Between The Eyes
    Assisted in escaping the Storage Room ..and no the answer is not a nose


    Trophy that will be given to the librarian for assisting the explorer in the Storage Room.

    Is that a..
    Escape from the Painting Room


    See Myth Busters

    A face on its..
    Assisted in escaping the Painting Room ..and enjoyed fine arts


    Trophy that will be given to the librarian for assisting the explorer in the Painting Room.

    This is fine
    Escape from the Submerged Hallway


    See What ‘r you doing?

    Antarctic Odyssey
    Assisted in escaping the Submerged Hallway ..and became a qualified plumber


    Trophy that will be given to the librarian for assisting the explorer in the Submerged Hallway.

    Dungeons and..
    Escaped from the Dungeon ..and the dragon.


    See Dungeon Master

    Guiding Light
    Assisted in escaping the Dungeon ..and didn’t skip leg day


    Trophy that will be given to the librarian for assisting the explorer in the Dungeon.

    Ice Physics
    Escape from the Frozen Courtyard ..and didn’t lose your cool


    See Fools’ Mate

    Assisted in escaping the Frozen Courtyard ..and learned some new tricks


    Trophy that will be given to the librarian for assisting the explorer in the Frozen Courtyard.

    Is that another..
    Escape from the Dark Hallway


    See Vlad The Impaler

    South Pole
    Assisted in escaping the Dark Hallway ..and learned about cardinal directions


    Trophy that will be given to the librarian for assisting the explorer in the Dark Hallway.

    Lights, camera..
    Assisted in escaping the Haunted Theater


    Trophy that will be given to the librarian for assisting the explorer in the Haunted Theater.

    Don’t Turn Around
    Escaped the Haunted Theater


    See Killer Performance

    Why me?
    Stayed behind, all alone


    After the last puzzle of Theater, you will finally join with you partner but only one will be able to go home safe. If you will stay in the Castle Rock, letting your friend go, you will earn this trophy.

    Worst Friend Forever
    Got out and left your friend behind


    After the last puzzle of Theater, you will finally join with you partner but only one will be able to go home safe. If you will go out, leaving yout friend in Castle Rock, you will earn this trophy.

    Die Hard
    Play through the whole game without dying once

    The trophy description is misleading. You must never die and solve all puzzles without mistakes. Select the wrong runes in first room or pulling wrong levers in the Dungeon will also block this trophy.

    Happy Ending
    Have some confetti


    In the Dungeon, you will have to pull three different levers to solve the puzzle. You will have to activate and deactivate the red lever ten times and you will earn this wonderful trophy. This trophy will block Dungeon Master e Die Hard .

    Eye See You
    Perfect play ‘Between the eyes’

    For the early puzzle, first of all Explorer have to pick the walkie-talkie. The Explorer will have to examine the wall and communicate at the Librarian the color of the two eyes positioned on the two pillars, above the runes. The Librarian will have to define the combination of colors and will say the correct runes which the Explorer should press. The image below could help you.

    Myth Busters
    Perfect play ‘Painting Room’

    In the second room the Explorer will have to describe the painting at the Librarian. The Librarian will have to say the three symbols related to painting. The Explorer will have to take the correct card on the wall and insert them in the lower section of the painting.

    What ‘r you doing?
    Perfect play ‘Submerged Hallway’

    To solve this puzzle the Explorer have to tell at the Librarian the color name writed on the upper section of the door. The Librarian will have to go downstairs and open up the correct valves forming the color communicated by the Explorer.

    E.g.: Yellow + Red = Orange, Blue + Red = Purple.

    Dungeon Master
    Perfect play ‘The Dungeon’

    To escape from the Dungeon, the Explorer have to move three levers in correct sequence. In the image below there is a detailed map of the Dungeon, in which the levers are marked with cross symbol. If you prefer, you can see the video.

    The correct lever sequence is: blue - green - blue - red - blue - green

    Fools’ Mate
    Perfect play ‘Chess’

    White pieces move first:

    1. White pawn in E2 two squares ahead in E4, black pawn in E7 two squares ahead in E5.
    2. White bishop moves from F1 diagonally three squares to C4, black pawn in B7 forward one square in B6.
    3. White queen from D1 two squares diagonal to F3, black knight in B8 moves to C6.
    4. White Queen F3 to F7, eats the black pawn straight in front of her and puts the King in check.

    Win the game and leave quickly before freezing.

    Vlad The Impaler
    Perfect play ‘Spike Hall’

    The explorer must cross the grid following a precise path. The path can be discovered by the librarian by taking the book with the correct symbols. Otherwise you can follow the image below:

    Killer Performance
    Perfect play ‘Haunted Theater’

    In this puzzle the Explorer is behind the scene and the Librarian will have to help his partner to create the scene told by the narrator. To start, the Librarian will have to activate the grammophone on stage. In the image below, the scenes moved by the knobs.

    This is the correct sequence of scenes. To confirm every scene you have to pull the white lever. Remember there is a lever called "Blood Light" on right side which you have to pull in the Scene 5.

    • Scene 1: Castle + People
    • Scene 2: Castle + King + Queen
    • Scene 3: Castle + King + Queen + People
    • Scene 4: take off the King and put the Mad King
    • Scene 5: King + Blood Light

    Ultima modifica di SalLimones; 14/02/2021 alle 12:15
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