Informazioni generali

Come abbiamo potuto constatare in questi ultimi anni, le aziende che operano nel settore videoludico concentrano i loro sforzi non tanto sul mantenere immacolato un particolare genere, ma sul modificarlo abbastanza per farlo arrivare a più pubblico possibile. Questa evoluzione forzata sembra aver colpito anche i dungeon crawler più apprezzati, che con il tempo hanno abbandonato la loro difficoltà spesso proibitiva, abbracciando una narrativa sempre più profonda e una difficoltà che accompagna letteralmente a braccetto il giocatore.

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Recensione Demon Gaze II a cura di The_Pres

Attenzione la seguente guida potrebbe contenere spoiler riguardanti la trama del gioco!

Guida ai trofei: ??
Espansioni: ??

Reperibilità: ?? a circa ??
Lingue supportate: Audio - Testo

PS Plus richiesto per giocare online: sì/no
Multiplayer: ?? giocatori/no

Difficoltà: inserire le icone difficoltà colorate
La storia va giocata almeno: ?? volte
Tempo necessario: ?? ore circa

Lista trofei: separata PS4/PS Vita
Trofei totali: numero trofei (compreso il platino se presente)

Trofei bronzo: ??
Trofei argento: ??
Trofei oro: ??
Trofeo platino: sì/no

Trofei online: ??

Trofei nascosti: ??

Trofei legati alla storia: ?? (se presenti specificare quali)
Trofei legati ai collezionabili: ?? (se presenti specificare quali)
Trofei buggati: ?? (se presenti specificare quali)
Trofei mancabili: ?? (se presenti specificare quali)


Qui ci addentriamo maggiormente nello specifico, portando alla luce tutti i consigli necessari per ottenere il platino o il 100% in modo indolore. Sezione utile a spiegare come raggiungere determinati trofei segreti, mancabili o in parte buggati, anche grazie all'ausilio di glitch.

Passi consigliati

E' forse la parte più importante di una guida, dove andremo a tracciare il percorso da seguire per ottenere il tutto nel più breve tempo possibile, senza tanti ripassaggi. Se alcuni trofei potranno esser presi durante la stessa run, magari giocando al livello di difficoltà più elevato, questo è il momento giusto per dirlo.

Autore guida: ??
Autore grafica: ??
Autore video: ??
Autore revisione: ??

We Are the Revolutionist Party!
Prometh: "You are one of us now."

The Crystal That Sings
Prometh: "You found a new type of crystal in a Restricted Zone."

Crack a Joke!
Prometh: "Thank you for your guest appearance on the radio broadcast."

Love and Hate
Prometh: "Lord Magnastar's unexpected arrival... What will happen to Toma?"

The First Live Show!
Prometh: "Our first public broadcast was a success."

Recover the Reckless Servant!
Prometh: "We got Toma back."

The Lost Voice
Prometh: "Prim failed to sing and we nearly had a problem on air."

Another Show! But then...!
Prometh: "The broadcast was a success, but Muse went missing afterwards."

Return of the Sisterly Bond
Prometh: "Muse was rescued. Lord Magnastar's room seemed cozy."

First, Strip
Prometh: "Got the Breathing Veil. To make it, remove your clothes..."

The Final Show!
Prometh: "Stella's Place was raided after the broadcast. The final show, in many ways."

Charge! To Asteria Castle!
Prometh: "The Revolutionist Party went to Asteria Castle. I'm keeping watch here."

The Pegasus is Too Pure
Prometh: "Pegasus joined the Revolutionist Party. Peg, huh...?"

The Goat Princess
Prometh: "Capricorn joined the Revolutionist Party. Those curls..."

Benevolent Balance
Prometh: "Libra joined the Revolutionist Party. But...I'm the glasses girl..."

A Lion Girl?
Prometh: "Leo joined the Revolutionist Party. Hmm. She seems strong."

The Nihilistic Peacock
Prometh: "Pavo joined the Revolutionist Party. Her feathers are pretty..."

The Excitable Rabbit
Prometh: "Lepus joined the Revolutionist Party. Wassup, indeed."

The Scorpion Lady
Prometh: "Scorpio gradually joined the Revolutionist Party. How unexpected."

The Aquarius
Prometh: "Aquarius joined the Revolutionist Party. What a lush."

The Stubborn Bull
Prometh: "Taurus joined the Revolutionist Party. Gahaha."

The Silent Hound
Prometh: "Canis...joined... He's more quiet than I am."

The Conceited Fox
Prometh: "Vulpecula joined the Revolutionist Party. Quite the lone wolf."

Sea Serpent Ninja
Prometh: "Hydra joined the Revolutionist Party. He is a hide-and-seek pro."

The Ram Genius
Prometh: "Aries joined the Revolutionist Party. So fluffy..."

The Secret of the Grimoire
Prometh: "You performed Maintenance. Good for you."

Going Out Together
Prometh: "This trophy is for going out with a demon you became friends with."

The Mortician's Hobby
Prometh: "Please collect skulls. I've prepared a special trophy for it."

Who Wants These?
Prometh: "I was told to give you this trophy once you collect all mushrooms."

Rookie Gazer
Prometh: "You have been recognized as a rookie Gazer... Have you been transforming?"

Full-Fledged Gazer
Prometh: "You have been recognized as a full-fledged Gazer… Keep performing Maintenance."

First Transformation
Prometh: "This trophy is for transforming a demon."

First Fusion
Prometh: "This trophy is for fusing with a demon."

Private Room
Prometh: "The manager told me to give you this trophy once you rent a room."

Treasure Hunter
Prometh: "Since you completed your first circle battle, this trophy is yours."

The Pompous Swan
Prometh: "Cygnus joined the Revolutionist Party. A former singing, dancing Questor."

The Unfortunate Centaur
Prometh: "Centaur joined the Revolutionist Party. The new Centaur of attention…"

The Serious Dragon
Prometh: "Draco joined the Revolutionist Party. Her whole body is red to begin with."

Everyone Gather!
Prometh: "All the demons joined the Revolutionist Party. Well done."

Strengthening the Bond
Prometh: "This trophy is for becoming great friends with a demon."

Victory for the Revolutionist Party!
Prometh: "Magnastar has been defeated. The revolution is a success."

The Remaining Trials
Prometh: "The Ergo Valkyrie was defeated. Hats off to you, but I will keep mine on."

Astral Blade!
Prometh: "The power of the stars, made for the Gazer. It cannot be sold, you know."

Master Gazer
Prometh: "You have been recognized as a master Gazer. Come on the radio show again soon."

&nbspemon Gazer
Prometh: "You get this because you got the other trophies."
