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Benvenuti nell'elenco/nella guida ai trofei di Gensou SkyDrift.
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Attenzione la seguente guida ai trofei potrebbe contenere spoiler riguardanti la trama del gioco!

Guida al Platino/100%: ??
Lingue supportate: audio - testo

PS Plus richiesto per giocare online: sì/no
Multiplayer: no/?? giocatori

Difficoltà: ??
La storia va giocata almeno: ?? volte
Tempo necessario: ?? ore circa

Trofei online: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)
Trofei storia: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)

Trofei buggati: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)
Trofei mancabili: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)

Trofei collezionabili: sì/no (consultare la guida per i dettagli)
Trofei nascosti: sì/no (consultare la guida per i dettagli)

Passi consigliati

E' forse la parte più importante di una guida, dove andremo a tracciare il percorso da seguire per ottenere il tutto nel più breve tempo possibile, senza tanti passaggi. Se alcuni trofei potranno esser presi durante la stessa run, magari giocando al livello di difficoltà più elevato, questo è il momento giusto per dirlo.

Autore guida: ??
Autore video: ??
Autore revisione: ??

You're Sky Drifter
Completed all achievement.

First time Drifting
Played your first race.

On the way to the Unusualness
Finished on halfway through campaign mode.

The case solved!
Finished campaign mode.

Finished another campaign mode.

I'm not giving up!
Continued in campaign mode.

Drifting with someone
Played a ranked match.

Frog knows the Great Sea
Played 10 ranked matches.

Eye'm on top!
Took first place in the rankings match.

Drifting with friends
Played a free match.

Fighting with yourself.
Played Free Run.

Victory over yourself.
Defeated a Ghost.

Different strokes for different folks
Played with all the characters.

Look how far Eye've come!
Saw the replay.

Used the last word.

Eye am the best!
Defeated the CPU in VERSUS Mode

Giant Killing
Defeated LV5 CPU in VERSUS

Explore: Mari-circuit
Played Mari-circuit in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Forest of Magic
Played Forest of Magic in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Human Village
Played Human Village in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Scarlet Devil Mansion
Played Scarlet Devil Mansion in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Lost Bamboo Thicket
Played Lost Bamboo Thicket in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Youkai Mountain
Played Youkai Mountain in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Seirensen
Played Seirensen in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Hakugyokuro
Played Hakugyokuro in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Embers of Blazing Hell
Played Embers of Blazing Hell in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Misty Lake
Played Misty Lake in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Old Capital
Played Old Capital in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Mari-circuit 2
Played Mari-circuit 2 in VERSUS Mode

Explore: The Outside World
Played The Outside World in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Voile Library
Played Voile Library in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Sea of Tranquility
Played Sea of Tranquility in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Moonlit Thicket
Played Moonlit Thicket in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Underworld City Depths
Played Underworld City Depths in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Redevelopment Area A
Played Redevelopment Area A in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Redevelopment Area B
Played Redevelopment Area B in VERSUS Mode

Explore: Heaven
Played Heaven in VERSUS Mode