Home ConsoleNews PS3Due nuovi personaggi per Tales of Xillia

Due nuovi personaggi per Tales of Xillia

Namco Bandai presenta due dei personaggi di Tales of Xillia – Rowen e Leia – che sono raccontati attraverso due video di gameplay del gioco. Trovate i due trailer appena sotto le descrizioni, in inglese, dei due personaggi appena citati. Concludo con il ricordarvi che Tales of Xillia è atteso in Italia il prossimo 8 agosto, solo per PlayStation 3.

Rowen J. Ilbert

Sex: Male

Age: 62

Height: 175cm

“Hohoho! Your words ring true. Caving to worry and doubt would only waste my time, and this old man is not growing any younger.”

Old butler serving House Sharil, one of the high houses of Rashugal. He is always calm and keeps graceful and polite manners. Having talent in spirit artes, he is the strategist supporting the party with his experience and plans rather than with raw power, but he is also naturally lightens up the situation with his cute jokes. He has a wide range of knowledge, superb analytical abilities and determination, enabling him to always be one step ahead. There is a more aggressive side to him that sometimes shows through his piercing eyes, when he deviates from his normally soft expressions.


Sex: Female

Age: 15

Height: 158cm

“An adventure’s waiting! Let’s make the most of it!”

A bright and very emotionally expressive girl. She knows Jude from their childhood. While helping out at the family inn, she is studying to become a nurse at Jude’s parents’ Mathis Clinic. She has a warm heart and cares for others’ feelings, but she tends to care too much, bearing herself with distress. A lover of fighting and sport games, she easily becomes heated, but believes what’s important is to make your best effort rather than winning or losing. While sometimes feeling down from her mistakes, she is a hard worker and always pushes to do her best.




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Dario Caprai
Non capisce niente di videogiochi ma, dal momento che non lo sa, continua a parlarne, imperterrito. Tanto è vero che il tempo preferisce passarlo a scrivere, a leggere, a vedere un film, a seguire e praticare sport, a inveire per il fantacalcio, a tenersi informato su tecnologia e comunicazione piuttosto che con un DualShock in mano. In tutto questo è, però, uno degli admin di PlayStationBit da tempo ormai immemorabile.