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Discussione: Indiecalypse Trophy Guide and Roadmap

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    Bit Fanatic L'avatar di beachild
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    Platino Indiecalypse Trophy Guide and Roadmap

    General information

    Three stories, three outcasts, three nerds… and a single destiny: to make the best video game ever.

    Indiecalypse depicts the crude reality of indie game developers and their struggles to get their shit together when it comes to releasing a video game.

    Read the full review on PlayStationBit...

    Indiecalypse Review by SetzerGabbiani

    Warning: the following guide may contain important spoilers about the game!

    Trophy guide: Indiecalypse
    DLC: no

    Availability: available since 26/06/2020 for about 12,99
    Language: audio - text

    Is PS Plus needed to play online: no
    Multiplayer: no

    Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
    Completion time: 2/3 hours

    Trophy list: PS4
    Total trophies (including the Platinum): 35

    Bronze trophies: 27
    Silver trophies: 0
    Gold trophies: 7
    Platinum trophy: yes

    Online trophies: no

    Hidden trophies: no

    Story-related trophies: 29
    • Code Hero
    • Enter the Classgun
    • The Binding of Jack
    • Jack Trip
    • Mortal Daddy
    • Cooking Roach
    • Geometry Jack
    • Makeup your Princess Granny
    • Super Duck Punch
    • Burgers Please
    • Follow The Keytar
    • Super 3D Osbourne's Ark
    • Cooking Bad
    • Call of Rats
    • Dino Jump
    • Tiny Chicks
    • Pitch Battle
    • Bloodhead
    • Groomer
    • Uvergeddon
    • Crunch
    • EXAM DAY
    Collectibles-related trophies: no
    Bugged trophies: no
    Missable trophies: 6
    • Caveman Warriors Rules
    • Splatpoo
    • Shower with your Grandpa
    • Dollar Toss
    • Fly Hunt
    • Hotline Asylum

    Welcome to Indiecalypse, a funny parody of the most famous videogames published by the spanish team of Jandusoft. The game is not that good and very short, but the Platinum trophy is easy to achieve.


    • Step 1 - Speak with Jandu

    There's only one thing to do to complete the trophy list: playing to the end of the story. This will take around 2 hours and will grant you almost all trophies. There are a couple of missable trophies, but you can easily start a new game to get them if you miss them. Remember to speak with Jandu at E4 and that the game saves automatically ONLY at the end of each chapter.

    Trophy guide by: SetzerGabbiani
    Graphics by: DanteOgre
    Guide check by: beachild

    Caveman Warriors Rules [ ]
    Speak with "Jandu"


    This trophy is extremely easy, but also easy to miss. When you find yourself at E4 and you're requested to speak with all the developers head to your right to find a corpse lying on a computer and wearing a t-shirt with Jandu written on it. Speak with him to unlock the trophy.

    Code Hero [ ]
    Play "Code Hero"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Splatpoo [ ]
    Play "Splatpoo"


    This trophy is missable but you can always restart a new game to get it. After completing Code Hero you'll have to wait for your result in a cafe. Exit the classroom, interact with the fountain and go to the toilet (the door on the left of the fountain), then interact with the door to play "Splatpoo".

    Enter the Classgun [ ]
    Play "Enter the Classgun"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    The Binding of Jack [ ]
    Play "The Binding of Jack"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Jack Trip [ ]
    Play "Jack Trip"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Mortal Daddy [ ]
    Play "Mortal Daddy"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Cooking Roach [ ]
    Play "Cooking Roach"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Geometry Jack [ ]
    Play "Geometry Jack"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Shower with your Grandpa [ ]
    Play "Shower with your Grandpa"


    It is not sure whether this trophy is missable or not. Anyway, after running away from home with Jack you'll be with an old man who will ask you to bath him. Say yes to start the game and unlock the trophy.

    Makeup your Princess Granny [ ]
    Play "Makeup your Princess Granny"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Dollar Toss [ ]
    Play "Dollar Toss"


    After killin the old man with Jack you'll need to find a job and you'll find yourself in front of a fast-food restaurant. On the left you'll see a tramp: interact with him to start the mini-game and you'll unlock the trophy.

    Super Duck Punch [ ]
    Play "Super Duck Punch"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Burgers Please [ ]
    Play "Burgers Please"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Follow The Keytar [ ]
    Play "Follow the Keytar"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Super 3D Osbourne's Ark [ ]
    Play "Super 3D Osbourne's Ark"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Cooking Bad [ ]
    Play "Cooking Bad"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Call of Rats [ ]
    Play "Call of Rats"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Dino Jump [ ]
    Play "Dino Jump"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Tiny Chicks [ ]
    Play "Tiny Chicks"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Pitch Battle [ ]
    Play "Pitch Battle"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Bloodhead [ ]
    Play "Bloodhead"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Groomer [ ]
    Play "Groomer"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Fly Hunt [ ]
    Play "Fly Hunt"


    When controlling Violet you'll be at home and ready to go to work. Before going out interact with the trash to unlock the trophy.

    Uvergeddon [ ]
    Play "Uvergeddon"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Crunch [ ]
    Play "Crunch"

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Hotline Asylum [ ]
    Play "Hotline Asylum"


    After winning Uber's challenge you'll be at home. When controlling Jack, don't interact with anything and go to the toilet (central door) to play "Hotline Asylum" and unlock the trophy.

    EXAM DAY [ ]
    Finish the first chapter

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Finish the second chapter

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Finish the third chapter

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Finish the fourth chapter

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Finish the fifth chapter

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Finish the sixth chapter

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Finish the seventh chapter

    This trophy is story-related and cannot be missed.

    Indiecalypse [ ]
    Earn all other trophies


    Ultima modifica di beachild; 21/07/2020 alle 17:18

    Un gioco brutto non è quello che non ci piace, ma quello che non mantiene le sue promesse.

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