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Discussione: [Elenco Trofei] Endzone - A World Apart

  1. #1
    Amministratore L'avatar di Riliu
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2019
    Thanks (Dati)
    Thanks (Ricevuti)
    24 Volte

    Elenco Trofei [Elenco Trofei] Endzone - A World Apart

    1 1 0 64

    Attenzione la seguente guida ai trofei potrebbe contenere spoiler riguardanti la trama del gioco!

    Guida al Platino/100%: ??
    Lingue supportate: audio - testo

    PS Plus richiesto per giocare online: sì/no
    Multiplayer: no/?? giocatori

    Difficoltà: ??/10
    La storia va giocata almeno: ?? volte
    Tempo necessario: ?? ore circa
    Piattaforma: PS5/PS4

    Trofei online: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)
    Trofei storia: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)

    Trofei buggati: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)
    Trofei mancabili: ?? (consultare la guida per i dettagli)

    Trofei collezionabili: sì/no (consultare la guida per i dettagli)
    Trofei nascosti: sì/no (consultare la guida per i dettagli)


    Una breve descrizione su gioco e una panoramica generale sui trofei.

    Passi consigliati

    E' forse la parte più importante di una guida, dove andremo a tracciare il percorso da seguire per ottenere il tutto nel più breve tempo possibile, senza tanti passaggi. Se alcuni trofei potranno esser presi durante la stessa run, magari giocando al livello di difficoltà più elevato, questo è il momento giusto per dirlo.

    Autore guida: ??
    Autore video: ??
    Autore revisione: ??

    Absolute Completionist
    You have gathered every possible trophy! You are a real leader!

    Glimmer of Hope
    Survival Mode: Have 50 settlers in one session.

    Surviving 101
    Survival Mode: Have 101 settlers in one session.

    Is this Sparta?
    Survival Mode: Have 300 settlers in one session.

    Just a Sip!
    Survival Mode: Store 5.000 water in your settlement during one session.

    It's Over 9000!
    Survival Mode: Store 10.000 water in your settlement during one session.

    Just a Snack!
    Survival Mode: Store 5.000 food in your settlement during one session.

    La Grande Bouffe
    Survival Mode: Store 10.000 food in your settlement during one session.

    Well Prepared!
    Survival Mode: Construct 10 wells in one session.

    A True Gyver
    Survival Mode: Have a hunting lodge, a field, a plantation, a fishing hut, a gathering hut, a water tower, a boardwalk, a well and a rain collector.

    Into the wild
    Survival Mode: Survive until season 30.

    A new Beginning
    Survival Mode: Survive until season 50.

    There goes a Century
    Survival Mode: Survive until season 100.

    Against All Odds
    Survival Mode: Survive until season 150.

    We will survive!
    Survival Mode: Survive until season 200.

    Survival Mode: Have more than 40 production buildings.

    Finish the main tutorial and graduate from the survival boot camp.

    Scenario: The Bet
    Complete the "The Bet" scenario.

    Scenario: The Long Summer
    Complete "The Long Summer" scenario.

    Scenario: A New Hope
    Complete "A New Hope" scenario.

    Scenario: Shared Suffering
    Complete "Shared Suffering" scenario.

    Scenario: Rome wasn't built in a day
    Complete "Rome wasn't built in a day" scenario.

    Scenario: Desert Flower
    Complete the "Desert Flower" scenario.

    Scenario: Rainy Season
    Complete the "Rainy Season" scenario.

    And yet we Stand
    Survival Mode: Survive your first drought.

    Made of Stone!
    Survival Mode: Survive 6 sandstorms in one session!

    An apple a day keeps the doc away!
    Survival Mode: Cure 100 settlers in one session!

    Let there be Light
    Survival Mode: Enable Electricity in your settlement.

    Ruins Of Old
    Survival Mode: Guide an expedition to an old ruin and bring your explorers back home.

    What to do with the drunken survivor?
    Survival Mode: Brew 1000 ales in one session!

    Smokable Treats
    Survival Mode: Create 1000 smokable treats!

    Lumberjack of all trades
    Survival Mode: Collect 10.000 wood in one session.

    Raiders of the lost scrap.
    Survival Mode: Collect 10.000 scrap in one session.

    A green Thumb
    Survival Mode: Have 15 working irrigators in one session.

    3.6 roentgen. Not bad, not terrible!
    Survival Mode: Successfully sent an expedition to the nuclear power plant.

    Pills Here!
    Survival Mode: Produce or find 500 iodine tablets in one session.

    Mistakes were made!
    Survival Mode: Lose 200 settlers of starvation or thirst in one session.

    Knowledge is Power!
    Survival Mode: Educate 200 settlers on one session.

    Give Tomorrow a reason!
    Survival Mode: Over 300 children were born in one session.

    Stuck in Peter Pan!
    Survival Mode: Have more children than adults.

    Scenario: Garden Eden
    Complete the "Garden Eden" scenario.

    Scenario: Bleak Times
    Complete the "Bleak Times" scenario.

    Nicola, is that you?!
    Survival Mode: Have 30 buildings generating power in one session.

    Praise the Sun!
    Survival Mode: Have 10 working Solar Collectors in one session.

    Survival Mode: Have 10 working Wind Turbines in one session.

    Let's see what sticks
    Survival Mode: Have 3 working Scrap Catchers in one session.

    A True Salesperson!
    Survival Mode: Complete 30 trades successfully in one session.

    Everyone's Darling
    Survival Mode: Have every trader highly satisfied in one session.

    I just don't Care!
    Survival Mode: Successfully complete 10 bad deals in one session.

    The cake is NOT a Lie!
    Survival Mode: Produce 10000 units of cake in one session.

    A Wholesome Meal
    Survival Mode: Produce 10000 units of stew in one session.

    Survival Mode: Produce 200 units of Decontamination Kits in one session.

    No stone left unturned!
    Survival Mode: Find all Research utensils in one session.

    Location! Location! Location!
    Survival Mode: Have a building with a local attractiveness of at least 100.

    Arche Noah
    Survival Mode: Have at least a pair of every animal type in one session.

    Pet Lover
    Survival Mode: Run at least 5 Pastures in one session.

    Survival Mode: Find & Build the Pavilion.

    Never Forget!
    Survival Mode: Find & Build the Memorial.

    Our Pioneers
    Survival Mode: Find & Build the Pioneer statue.

    Master of Disaster
    Complete all available scenarios.

    A gifted Student
    Complete all available tutorials.

    What was that?
    Survival Mode: Beat your first Raider encounter.

    A Force to be Reckoned with!
    Survival Mode: Beat 10 Raider encounters in one session.

    Shut up and take my money!
    Survival Mode: Pay tribute to every raider in one session.

    It’s a trap!
    Survival Mode: Have at least 50 blockades in one session.

    Scenario: Hunter and Hunted
    Complete the "Hunter and Hunted" scenario.

  2. #2
    Amministratore L'avatar di Riliu
    Data Registrazione
    Nov 2019
    Thanks (Dati)
    Thanks (Ricevuti)
    24 Volte


    Ecco la recensione del nostro Gianfrancesco!

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